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2023 Emerald Evening Raises Benevolent Care Funds

The final figures are in from our annual Emerald Evening held on Friday, Sept. 29th! This is Lutheran Community at Telford’s premier fundraising event, and the theme for 2023 was “Swinging Sixties.” 

This year, we welcomed 165 attendees including residents, staff, friends, board members and sponsors. The event featured a silent auction and 12 raffle baskets contributed by departments at Lutheran Community at Telford (LCT), with the Halloween-themed bundle by Maintenance being the highest bid item. 

Along with a buffet dinner, guests received a chip voucher at check-in to play casino-style games including blackjack and roulette. Lucky winners could earn more chips while others were able to purchase additional chips. Throughout the night, all chips were cashed in for raffle tickets among bidding on the separate silent auction items. 

C&S Lawn and Landscape, Inc. and Berks Ridge Company Enterprises, Inc. were our “Jackpot” sponsors for 2023. There were just over 30 sponsors in total, listed below.  

Alarm Tech 
A.M. Goshow & Sons Inc. 
Alpine Cyber Solutions 
Bank of America 
Berks Ridge Company Enterprises, Inc. 
C&S Lawn and Landscape, Inc. 
Communication Services and Support 
Covenant Alliance Rehab East 
Delcrest Medical Services, Inc. 
G.A. Peak Excavating, Inc. 
G.B. Builders 
Gallagher Benefit Services 
Harleysville Bank 
Hotter Painting 
Integrated Security Systems, LLC 
Irick, Eberhardt & Mientus, Inc 
IT Landes 
Johnson, Kendall, Johnson, Inc. 
K. Reinford Plumbing, Inc. 
Ken Vincent Electric, LLC 
Kreischer Miller 
Latsha Davis & Marshall, P.C. 
Linda and Dan McKee 
N.F. Landis and Son, Inc 
Penn Community Bank 
Phoebe Pharmacy 
RLPS Architects 
Sliwinski Floor Covering Services, Inc 
Thomas and Boyds 
Univest Financial 
Yates Electrical Service 

The LCT Benevolent Fund netted a total of $91,000, making this year our highest-grossing Emerald Evening yet! Since 2007, this event alone has raised over $1 million for the Fund. Thank you to all who attended and contributed in different ways to make this event a great success! 



About the Author

Picture of Kim Bydlon

Kim Bydlon

Kim is the Marketing & Communications Manager for Grace Inspired Living. She holds a B.A. in Communication Studies from West Chester University of PA and works part-time as a Sales Consultant for a bridal boutique. Kim spends her free time with family, traveling and performing as a professional vocalist. Her well-rounded experience includes Marketing, Events, Public Relations, Project Management, Web Design and Community Outreach throughout industries such as Executive Search, Dining Services, Healthcare Publishing, Artists Management and Local Government. Kim is thrilled to be a part of the Marketing & Sales Team at Grace since mid-2023.

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