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Lenten Food Drive

In a joint effort between our sister communities, The Community at Rockhill and Lutheran Community at Telford, residents and staff donated nearly 700 pounds of food and other supplies to the Keystone Opportunity Center. The donation was the result of the annual Lenten Food Drive.

The Food Pantry at Keystone Opportunity Center serves over 200 qualified households of Souderton Area School District as a monthly food resource. The Food Pantry is supported by donations from local churches, service groups, families and individuals. All food gathered benefits those in the community in need.

While the Housekeeping Department spearheads the drive, it is a collective effort of many departments as well as residents and their families. Beginning Ash Wednesday, food collection bins are placed in convenient locations throughout both campuses. Food is collected and stored in a central location until Drop-Off Day, the Monday following Easter.

This year, in addition to non-perishable foods, the drive collected household items and cleaning supplies as well as pet food and related supplies.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this food drive, helping us share our care for our communities!



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Grace Inspired Living Staff

This content was posted by one of the many dedicated team members of Grace Inspired Living. It may be written by a contracted vendor, multiple authors or a collective group of staff.

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