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A Home-Grown Art Show

During a typical year, the Art Gallery at the Community at Rockhill hosts six shows featuring local artists. Like many other entities, however, it needed to adjust its activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the outbreak, the group has been able to host one show for in-house viewing.

Recognizing the accessibility of “homegrown” talent available in their own background, the group took a new tack for their latest show: they recruited artists of all types from residents living in the community. Spearheaded by Pat Schimony and Jean Vandergrift, two Rockhill Art League members, the latest show, CONVERSATIONS: Art by our own Residents, opened November 2 and runs through the end of December. It is open only to residents of the Community at Rockhill.

Over 30 artists contributed more than 65 pieces of art including watercolor, oil on canvas, acrylic painting, embroidery and other needlework, quilting, crochet, Temari, photography, photos on puzzles and poetry. The Art League also published an e-show link of artwork displayed in the Art Gallery.

The Rockhill Art League also coordinates showcase collections for each apartment building, which update quarterly with new displays.

To encourage all its resident artists, the Community at Rockhill opened a new Art Studio in 2019 providing space for residents to work, collaborate and take – or offer – classes.



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Grace Inspired Living Staff

This content was posted by one of the many dedicated team members of Grace Inspired Living. It may be written by a contracted vendor, multiple authors or a collective group of staff.

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